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OpticVyu Construction Camera Integration

OpticVyu Construction Camera
OpticVyu develops construction camera offering site monitoring and management solution featuring HD images, Time-lapse videos, Auto-Email alerts, Image annotation/markup, Sharing & Comparison, BIM360 & BIM Revit integration. 
Services available in USA, Europe, Asia, UAE, Africa, India.
Integration forBIM 360
OpticVyu AutoDesk Construction Cloud
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OpticVyu Camera Feeds of BIM360
The Integration

OpticVyu Construction Camera integration with BIM360 Partner cloud let customers access the construction feeds & time-lapse videos alongside the project documents available on ACC platform. With this, teams can make informed and decisive actions, increase productivity, and minimize delays.

OpticVyu develops construction camera offering site monitoring and management solution featuring HD images, Time-lapse videos, Email alerts, Image markup, Sharing & Comparison, BIM360 - Autodesk Construction Cloud & BIM Revit 4D model integration


  • See camera feeds withing autodesk Insight dashboard
  • Access camera images, time-lapse videos etc
  • Access multiple projects/cameras on one platform
  • In-App secured login to access all the features of OpticVyu.


Technology built byOpticVyu


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Quotation mark

Opticvyu has been a pioneer in introducing construction cameras for progress monitoring from remote. The quality of cameras, promptness of service response and easy to use UI makes them stand apart. We have been using their services in India and abroad since 3+ years and are happy with the service rendered.

- V.Sivasankaran

I have been watching Opticvyu products and their outcomes for the 3-4 of years now and the products are just amazing. First they started with a 5MP time lapse capable product to now a 24MP, the time lapse generated through these cameras is great and has a very good value to money ratio. They keep on innovating their products and added more features to it which are awesome.

- Ajay Chauhan

OpticVyu has provided great time-lapse services for our projects. We were able to manage all our sites from a Cluster office Whenever required, OpticVyu team has customized their solution as per our needs & developed new features on time. As and when requested.

- Shailesh Bandodkar