Autodesk Construction Cloud Logo

DoCheck Integration

BlackSmithSoft provides a cloud-based platform that combines all project-essential elements in one place including BIM models, schedules, bill of quantity, costs, budgets, documents, field progress, and dashboard reporting.
DoCheck for BIM 360 and Autodesk Docs
Drawing with DoCheck QR code
DoCheck Admin Panel
DoCheck-File latest
DoCheck - file old
Works with:Autodesk Build
The Integration

DoCheck is a QR-based solution which “labels” PDF files in BIM 360 or Autodesk Docs folders of your choice, with a unique QR code. A printed file can then be checked using any mobile QR reader and validated to ascertain it is the latest version. The latest version can be immediately retrieved.

A QR-based document checker for Autodesk Construction Cloud® and BIM 360 that brings intelligence to paper.


  • Auto QR labeling of PDF files directly in BIM 360 or Autodesk Docs.
  • Ability to check a printed file's validity using any mobile device with a QR reader.
  • Open the latest version of an outdated file directly in BIM 360 or Autodesk Docs.
  • Check custom attributes tied to a printed document and their history.


Technology built byBlackSmithSoft B.V.


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